tag: LBB系列傳感器_參數_價格_原理圖
>>選型幫助 賽斯維熱線:010-84775646、84775648 美國(MEAS)中國區核心代理,品質有保障,服務更專業。
LBB系列傳感器:The Linear Ball Bearing (LBB) Series of dimensional gaging probes is engineered for highly precise and repeatable measurements in quality control and metrology applications. LBB within the gaging probe minimize radial play and friction for ultra-precise measurement. Bearing assemblies utilize two circumferential rows of miniature balls held in position by a retainer. the balls ride on a non-rotating plunger hardened to Rockwell 65, hard-chromed plated and precision ground for optimal repeatability and resistance to brinnelling. The contact end of the plunger has a removable tungsten carbide ball tip, with an AGD standard 4-48 UNF-2A threading. Plunger and bearings are enclosed in a cylindrical housing, hand-honed and fit to the ball bearing assembly. Precision fitting provides for exceptional gage head repeatability. With the bearings and housing essentially matched in hardness, the plungers can better tolerate side loads for a longer unit life. LVDT Configuration A Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) is contained in the opposite end of the tubular housing. With no physical contact between its core and coils, the LVDT produces a highly repeatable, low noise output voltage linearly proportional to prove displacement. Output can be sensed, amplified and displayed with any Measurement Specialties (Schaevitz? LVDT compatible signal conditioner, digital readout or LVDT computer based system. LBB gage heads feature a unique two-piece construction. Therefore, units are reparable should either probe structure or cables become damaged. A bend relief spring prevents cable damage at lead exit. Positive mechanical stops prevent damage to the LVDT from severe impacts t the end of the contact tip in cases of overstroke.
所屬品牌: Schaevitz
輸出: -0.5V~0.5V(5KHz)
量程: ±0.02,0.04,0.10,0.20(英寸)
工作溫度范圍: -40℃~70℃
供電電源:3.5V rms(5KHz)
典型應用: 藝標準監控,生產在線檢驗,機器人,數控機床定位,工廠數據過程控制的自動數據收集
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